Sunday, February 27, 2011

Nerves of STEAL

OMG. What a match it was. A world cup ODI match cannot be much better and thrilling than that.Lots of ups and down for INDIA and finally the result is too flat, A TIE. India seemed in full control of the game after first half but completely thrown out of competition for almost all of the England's inning. Readers don't worry i am not a cricket critic, nor i am going to discuss the match but i just want to bring some points to notice. The most important point i learnt from todays match is to keep your cool whatever situation you are in. The best example is INDIAN CAPTAIN DHONI. India was no where near to a win but 10 on 10 marks to DHONI who kept his cool and managed a TIE for India.I have been following nearly all world cup matches and have noticed various skippers. Nearly all of them looked restless during their matches, spitting out their frustrations over fellow teammates make thing worst and finally all paid for their restlessness. In our day to day life also we come across many moments where we tend loose our cool and finally end up ourselves into conditions where everything is out of our control.So the moral here is that That one would emerge as a winner who have got nerves of steal and who is master of situation because "Luck Favours Brave"

Friday, January 7, 2011

What's the educational background of your Parents?

Don't give me this look after reading the title. This is not what i am asking you but someday back someone asked me . I very politely replied they are engineering graduate from MNIT and recently finished their B.Tech . I continued and informed him that in couple of year they will get their CA degrees too. Almost shocked to listen this, his face expressions badly expecting an explanation from me. After enjoying his restlessness for few moments, I told him that I owe my degree to my parents. Whatever i am today is because of them only. Many of you would also agree with me. The question that person asked me was not at all wrong but the answer was too obvious. Parents taught us to see dreams and then help us to get them.At each step of life whenever we fell down they not only help us to get up but insisted us to keep on, that way we learned to exist in this so called competitive world. They sacrifice a lot to fulfill our needs and wants. So if i owe my degree to them then i am not wrong at any point. I agree they don't have a facebook account like most people have but they made me able to write this post over this blog.(Readers, if, like this post, then they may thanks my maa and paa :) ).I really thanked them for making me whatever i am now.This argument was sufficient to prove my stand.

(My Papa, Brother and Mummy)

So Guys what you all waiting for, pick up your phone and don't forget to call upon your parents to thank them who made you whatever you are now. I am going to give a call just after clicking "PUBLISH POST". When are you going to do so. :)

Monday, January 3, 2011

Its a happy happy happy new year.

One more year passed away giving space to a new one. With onset of this new year I too, like all, made few resolutions but i wonder the life of these resolutions. The best thing with this year for me is that it already started in the best way it could have. With the complete college gang together, after leaving college, seemed no less than any major festival.Everyone was so happy to be there and everyone was ready to recreate those magical days of college back, and i think we were quite successful in doing so. Whether its "THADI" or "CHANDNI CHOWK" or "RAJ GHAT" or "RESTRO" or "COFFEE SHOP" we did find our college days everywhere. Many a times I ponder how life changed from college to office and how badly everyone (not only we guys but everyone who working somewhere or other) needs these type of entertainment shots. With 3 days passing like a moment everyone is back to their normal day-to-day routine with these golden memories with them and with a desire deep inside everybody to meet soon.

Thats all for now. I will keep adding all the happenings in 2011.

Monday, December 20, 2010


CHAIL - a small and beautiful village surrounded by deodar forests. This AESTHETIC village situated in lap of mountains is free from crowd. Here you really can feel the peace of a hill station. The scenic beauty is worth praising. The route to village will surely give you an ADRENALINE RUSH.

The place is about 105 KM from Chandigarh (Chandigarh -> Kalka -> Solan -> Kundaghat -> Chail). The best way to get there is to book a taxi or a mini bus depending on number of people travelling. Two day and one night tour is suffiecient to visit this place.

Off course the scenic views will not allow you to move ahead but Major attractions are :-
  • CRICKET STADIUM (Highest Cricket Ground in world).
Apart from this enjoy your walk on roads surrounded by thick and dense deodar trees.

Sunset Point

Toy Train

Hotel where we Resided (Hotel Swarn Palace)

View From sunset point(Altitude 2300m)

One of the Few Resorts

View of The Village

Amir, Lokesh, Me, Kaustubh (From L to R)

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Mumbai Trip

Two dudes in front of camera (EverReady with a pose). Of course the third one is behind the camera.:)

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Awesome Weekend

Freinds + reunion = unlimited fun + masti + unforgettable memories + back to college days fun + ........